Sunday, October 16, 2016

workshop on fermentation at feira space / fabrica bhering

After offering the workshop on fermentation during Sao Paulo Bienale, together with Samantha from Paisagismo Comestivel, we decided to give the opportunity to interested public in Rio de Janeiro.
On the ground floor from the Bhering factory, inside the beautiful space called Feira, dedicated to housekeeping objects and keept by Crisitiana Duarte. Here, we organised the 4 h discussion and practice around two tables. One for the examples of fermented products and starters and the other one for cooking.

 The structure was similar to the one of the Bienale, but the big difference was that we had a garden outdoor, where to harvest herbs and Corrado from Correto productos naturais brought his own shiitake, grown 2 h from the city.

So here is the recipe that one of the participants made when rounding up: natural fermented bread ( with a 154 years starter from India, donated by Slow Bakery to us ) with cashew nuts cream cheese, pickles de maxixe e xuxu and cooked shitake with fast pickled pumpkinā€¦.I have to admit, I have eaten her sandwich : )..thanks to Flavia and Cris.


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