Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Oproer, brewpub and vegan restaurant in Utrecht

After my return from the tropical evergreen Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro being 'back on track' was quite tuff in the wintery Dutch country. Fortunately my friend and colleague Martina Bovini managed to get me involved in a daring idea. From January 2016 we are forming part of a collective of beer brewers, bar tenders and chefs under the name of Oproer ( = from Dutch Uprise and also mingle while cooking ).

The space we are using is available for an indeterminate time, that could finalise this year or lead us to a longer co-working future….Independent from it’s uncertain character I am very glad to begin a new culinary daily practise of cooking vegan.

We change our menu every month, the picture above are withdrawn from April 2016, with my knowledge influencing the recipe book. Thanks to Kim van de Sluis and Carlijn Bakker voor the pictures . Hei !


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