Wednesday, May 25, 2016

circular catering for play the city

What does it mean ‘circular catering’ ? During this commission for ‘Play The City’ we tried to reduce the circle producer-consumer so close possible. The ingredients we used are made or grown by people we personally know as professionals. The rest of the ingredients are companies that work with the producers their personally know and finally the restant of the ingredients are the left over fresh vegetables that an organic restaurant can’t use because of it’s closing days ( Monday and Tuesday ). A lot of produce is being thrown away by many restaurants in the world on their last weekly opening day and we want to tickle this topic and try to give it a further use. Maybe a bright future for these vegetables and fruits in a circular economic system ?

Thanks to Montserrat for the pictures, Robbert and Txell for their help.


At May 25, 2016 at 5:31 PM , Blogger AtrumDramae :: Montserrat said...

Lovee it.!


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